Top 10 Favorite Movies

Need an idea of what to watch for a movie night? I’ve got 10 ideas! These are movies I would recommend. I love these movies so much and can’t get enough of them! Don’t judge me if I like these movies. Side note: I have seen all of these movies with my parents’ permission to a) watch my by myself b) watch with them in the room or c) watch with our movie filter.

The Princess Bride (1987)

Ahhhhh. The Princess Bride. What a classic! I seriously LOVE this movie! My family and I quote it all the time. I’ve seen this movie dozens of times since I was 5. It probably will be my all time favorite. Such a great movie for all ages. It has love, action, humor, betrayal, drama, everything!

Content: mild language, violence, one disturbing scene, one suicide attempt

The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

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Wow. This is a gooooood one. This is a story that revolves around betrayal and revenge. It’s so exciting and has twists and turns everywhere! Great movie for a movie night or one to watch with your history class while studying the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte. If you have a hard time hearing what is being said through accents, you may want to turn on the subtitles. We have a few French accents, a couple American, a couple English, and a lot of French words being pronounced that makes life hard on everyone who is not French.

Content: violence, one suicide attempt, infidelity (but not explicitly seen), and romance

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

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Oh my heart! This is a really good movie too, but TOM HOLLAND ❤ This movie is so funny and really good. If you haven’t seen this, shame on you. Cherish this movie with all your heart before you see Avengers: Infinity War (still crying about that whole movie). Spider-Man: Homecoming is the best rendition of Spider-Man I’ve seen yet, and this is coming from a loyalist to Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man trilogy (Andrew Garfield’s was trash).

Content: fairly harsh language for a Marvel movie (one partial use of the “f-bomb”), violence, lying, a couple scenes where Spider-Man is in his boxers, but it isn’t in a sexual way. He just had to undress to get in/out of his suit.

Aladdin (1992)

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Confession. I LOVE Disney movies and I really want to go back to Disney World. We went when I was 5 and I don’t really remember it.

Also, side note, I didn’t know this guy is the voice of Aladdin until a few months ago:

Image result for scott weinger then vs now

I loved him in Full House and Fuller House! (yay for season 4!)

Ok. Back on track now.

You can never go wrong with watching a Disney movie.

Content: cartoon violence, lying, stealing

The Greatest Showman (2018)

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WOOOOOOOOAAAOOOOOOOOOOH! This movie has a great story, message, and soundtrack. There have been quite a lot of junky movies coming out lately and it’s nice to now have one that’s actually good! Ever since the trailer when I heard a snipet of Rewrite the Stars and got goosebumps, I’ve been in love with this movie. Yes, it’s been over hyped, but just ignore that and enjoy the movie!

Content: a little violence, drinking, lying, a little mild language, a tad bit of romance

Ever After (1998)

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My girl. Fries before guys!!!!!

This is such a cute romance movie! It is a Cinderella story and is probably my favorite out of the ones that have been made.

Content: language, violence, romance, sensuality, betrayal

Twilight Saga (2008-2012)

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XD This cracks me up for some reason XD XD XD XD

I’m gonna get judged for this, but this series is so good! The first movie is cringy and I can barely watch it, but the rest is AMAZING! I know the world moved on from the vampire and werewolf phase, but that doesn’t change the greatness of these movies! Don’t ask me to choose a side because I don’t know for myself. I used to be team Edward, but I’m not so sure anymore.

Content: language, violence, gore, sexuality, nudity, alcohol use, spiritual content, and reckless behavior

Newsies (2017) I know it’s a Broadway play, but I don’t care. It’s been recorded and put on Netflix so it’s a movie in my eyes

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My friend Caroline got me hooked on this. She loves musicals and she would dress as these guys during spirit week if she could. I saw it was on Netflix, and decided to give it a try. Thirty minutes in, I text Caroline to tell her I’m on the bandwagon. The singing, dancing, acting, story, everything is just superb because I got tired of saying “AMAZING” over and over.

Content: mild language, romance, a little violence, lying, stealing

High School Musicals (2006-2008)

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What needs to be said?

Content: lying, teen romance

Titanic (1997)

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This movie will live on forever as one of the best movies of all time. So many people say this is their favorite movie and I have a couple friends who say that.

Content: language, lying, gambling, smoking, drinking, nudity, sexuality, intense scenes, one suicide, one failed suicide attempt

That’s it! Let me know in the comments your thoughts on these movies! Did I forget an amazing movie? Tell me below!



